
Today I’m going to tell you about BedPage appeared on the web not long ago. In case you are not up to date with the news about prostitutes on the Internet, because it took action from other sites not long before BedPage appeared, another old haven for hookers and their clients, decided to preemptively pull the plug and took down its adult listings before anyone said anything. BedPage set out to be the number one escort listing plus it allows people to post non-sexual ads on a site that was made specifically for people to have a place to hire prostitutes again, it must be so it won’t be branded as prostitution again.

The classified ads have pictures of the escorts you are hiring and are divided into a lot of sections, but the adult section has a very prominent position on the page. Because you can see very explicit pictures of whores offering their services at a very good price. It also allows you to choose the location of the escort you are hiring.

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There are also available here besides escorts, strippers, dominatrixes and totally healthy body massages. Like the Internet ad sites it is meant to emulate, BedPage’s categories are roughly divided into what you would find in the ad section of a newspaper. There are job and service ads available. You may also find that there is a Dating section, broken down. And then, when you’re done with all the non-sex stuff, you can go back to the Adult section.

That’s where you’ll find phone sex and real sex, escorts and strippers, erotic masseuses and adult job listings. So this site has a lot of surprises for its clients. Before I get into the adult ads section, I should point out the massage ads. You might think that these are the sexless types of massages, but nope.

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They are happy ending massages based on the fact that they are not in the adult section, but you would be wrong. So be careful you’d be wrong. Other adult sections are Escorts, hot callers, Dom and Fetish sex, Escorts, Male Escorts and TS. There are adult jobs, phones and websites, as well as strippers and strip clubs. Bed Page is a site with endless sex content if that’s what you wanted to know. That’s why it’s listed on ThePornChick.

Pros & Cons

  • Real Escorts
  • The Best Girls
  • Real Sex
  • It's not free
  • Ads

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